Friday, January 6, 2012

.something new.

Lately, a lot of my free time has been spent looking at blogs and seeing what kinds of things people are updating about. My friend, Julie, is kind of my inspiration to get this whole thing started. She got into blogging when she was pregnant, so most of her updates are pertaining to her family and son, Parker! I, on the other hand, don't have a bun in the oven or kids or anything, so that's not what I'm going for (yet - someday I'll be in that boat, but not anytime soon.) I'm just going to use this blog as a place for me to talk about my daily life and things that I find interesting. If you've been reading this, you'll see that most of my interests somehow involve cats or photography :) but, there are more things that I like to talk about. So with that said, I'm stealing Julie's (and other people's) idea of Friday Five. I hope to find different things for each Friday to share with my readers.

Friday Five: 5 Things I Cannot Live Without

My prelude for this is that it's not going to be what I really cannot live without, such as food, water, shelter, oxygen, and blood (or whatever), but things that make my life run smoothly and happily! I also find this fitting as my first Friday idea just because it gives you another glimpse into my life.

1. Arnold :) - So obviously, he's the love of my life, and I think he makes every day worth going through, even though most of my time is spent at work without him. It's very comforting to know that when I'm done with a long and stressful day, I have him to come home to. He does a wonderful job of taking care of me and our three cats.
2. Animals - My greatest passion is animals; basically everything about them. I love learning about their bodies and their health, watching them move, their behavior, and of course helping them. The 3 cats I own: Chunk, KitKat, and Izzy, are my main focus as of now. If you've began to notice, pretty much all of my pictures revolve around them. They're like my kids in a way :p Together, Arnold and I take care of these little guys and make sure they have the best life possible!

3. Coffee  - Does it make me shallow to have something like this on a list of things I "need"? Oh well, because I don't think I would be able to function correctly without it. I usually have to wake up early every morning and then drive to work. Without coffee in my life, I would pass out or be super grumpy; no one wants to deal with a grumpy Chelsea.

4. Family & Friends - Putting them down on this list is another obvious one. Where would I be in my life without people I love? Sometimes I feel like the kind of person who is very self sufficient and could get along by myself, but having other people in my life makes it so much better! Plus, now that I'm getting older, I find that the people in my life are exactly the people who are meant to be in it.

5. Music - Although I am not a super talented muscician like my boyfriend and a lot of my friends, I feel that without music, I wouldn't be able to connect to a lot of things. Music is everywhere in my life - with song, instruments, and even sounds that animals and objects make in nature.

Hot Club of Detroit!!!


Julie said...

Awe yay Friday Five! And Tanner and I got a good laugh looking at that old picture of us in the Apple store. Those were the days!

Unknown said...

I miss those days! And all our pictures together :) I'm keeping them for a rainy day.