Wednesday, April 4, 2012


Wow, my last few posts have been nothing but photoadays! I'm not even THAT busy, so I have no excuses except blogging is the last thing I push myself to do. But, speaking of blogging, I've started one for the veterinary clinic I work at. I figure it's a nice and easy way to spread the educating word of vet med to all! So if you want to look at it, click on this awesome link right HERE. I'm pretty excited about it. I'll be posting weekly with informative and entertaining stuff that is accurate and current! Couldn't get any better than that.

Is it August yet? I'm more than ready to be starting school again, to be WELL on my way into vet school and moving on with my life. I'm a nerd (like I've said before), so school is fun for me. I'm sure once I get into the swing of things I'll probably start bitching and complaining about all my tests, homework, and lack of sleep. We'll see. :)

I'm doing another photoaday. April :) This time I'm doing the same one with my camera and my iPhone via instagram. One thing I've learned with the photoaday challenges is that it's just that. CHALLENGING. I constantly have to push and remind myself to get a picture that day and like Julie said, once actually taking the picture becomes a factor, all the day light is gone. That's one craptastic thing about working all day. I wish I had more daylight time to do what I want. Like now. I have the afternoon off, but I'm inside catching up on work. Lame.

I get sidetracked easily, so back to the April Challenge. I found it from this lady. She's a blogger from Australia and has really awesome challenges and picture advice. I of course read it.

I'll be posting those pictures every whatever amount of days I get to it. :) Deal. ImOut.