Sunday, July 8, 2012

personal update

So, I have decided to move on - to another blog! It just has more opportunities for me, but I hope you can check it out and follow me there. :) I will have some things on there, but it's basically where I left off.

Instagram PAD

Like my title? PAD is short for Photo A Day, in case you were wondering ;) I am holding true to my daily photographs - It's been hard and I think I've been lacking in the creativity department, but this is what I've got. Here's the first set of my other photos for you to look back on as well.

These particular images, like my title says, are from Instagram - which is really the coolest thing since sliced bread. Unfortunately, if you don't have a smart phone, then I guess you don't have access to my instagram set of photos. BUT, if you do, please feel free to look me up. IMNOTCHELSEA

 Day 1: Self Portrait
 Day 2: Busy - This my friends, is a car battery charger :)
 Day 3: Best part of your day - Me and my caffeine (coffee)
 Day 4: FUN! Firework collection
Day 5: On the floor - Clinic cat Romeo :)

Thanks for glimpsing at my photo-a-day collection again ;) I'm going to do some shameless promoting again and send you to my little small business - Chelsea Photographie page :) On that note, if you've been looking here for photography updates, I'll be moving back to the Des Moines area! This means I am STILL willing to travel (albeit not that far because I'll be busy with school most the time), but the majority of my areas will be limited to Ames, Des Moines, Ankeny, WDM, Johnston, Urbandale, etc. 

Friday, July 6, 2012

July P.A.D set 1

Here's the first batcho of my July Photo A Day :) For those of you who are just now reading, here is the initial post.

Day 1: Self portrait
ME :) Upclose!
Day 2: Busy
SO busy waiting for this day to come :)
Day 3: Best part of your day
My little car came back to life after being dead a few days
Day 4: Fun
Day 5: On the floor
Chunkers on the floor!

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

another peek

My little photography business is somewhat booming. I've been pretty busy with sessions and I'm trying to come up with more personal projects, which is why I am into photograpy anyway (FOR MYSELF)! Here's a little sneak peek at my most recent session. This is with Angela (mommy of the Sage Family) and her best friend, Sara. They make clothing accessories and head garments and they're adorable! So, if you're interested in anything like that, here's her facebook page - Lolita Garden!

I also took some personal shots of the two for a fun girls-day-out! They were so patient with me - it was super hot out and I about passed out, but they were really awesome and stayed cool (literally) even though they were in outfits that were incredibly warm looking.

Monday, July 2, 2012

little amanas

Arnold and I took a fun little trip to the Amana Colonies the other day. We didn't really do much other than walk around and appreciate the quaint town. AND have an amazing family style lunch (lots of food). I should have taken pictures of the feast. If you're ever there, I recommend going here (Colony Inn). It's probably a tad bit pricey, but for the food and such it's definitely worth it. Other than that, the cute little shops have a lot to offer, and the wine selection is amazing. I'm not much for wine, but this was good. :)

Sunday, July 1, 2012


Jumping on the photo-a-day bandwagon and starting another series. It's REALLY hard for me to consistantly do this, but I'm going to try again and hopefully let it work like I did in March (photo-a-day).

I am hoping to do this with my instagram as well. SO: personal camera, AND instagram :) should be fun and twice as challenging. I am also thinking of a new project to develop.. with all of these photo-a-days I've been collecting, it's inspiring me to make one for 2013! I think that would be fun. 

Thursday, June 28, 2012


I've been doing more (modeling?) if that's what you want to call it. And it's been lazy me again forgetting to put up pictures. I just wanted to share some of my favorite. LOVE them. Hope to do more with her in the future, and of course her photographs are inspiration for my own!


I can't believe it's been almost a whole month since I've updated. Needless to say, I've been busy. Here's some pictures so you can see what I've been up to :)

paddle boating :)
the view whilst fishing
love my coffee beer
my little boozer :)

I need to be better and more consistant with my blog updating. SO, I think I'm going to start being more documentative (is that a word?) with all of my daily things. I also think I'm going to give this blog a makeover :)

Stay tuned.. and in the mean time, check out my awesome photography website. :) I'm proud of it - did it mostly by myself!  Chelsea Photographie

Tuesday, May 29, 2012


I haven't posted on here in TOO LONG, but I just wanted to share my finished (for now) website for my photography business.

I would love to book more sessions, and am having a wonderful time with the sessions so far! Let me know what you think and thank you so much.

Sunday, May 6, 2012


My little 'nephew' had his first birthday! And I got to take some adorable pictures of him for it :) I love them so much, and I hope that Julie loves them too :) Here's some template examples of what I did. I had fun playing with him and their family. Adorable <3

I hope everyone enjoys these photos. I sure had a blast doing them, and am always learning! You can check out my facebook page for now while I work on my website.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012


Alas, another photo session :) I'm having a lot of fun with it, and especially knowing so many aspiring models is coming in handy too. This is Shelby, a beautiful model I got to work with. IT was perfect outside and she had the great idea of going on a roof in a parking garage. Turned out nicely :)

While I am working on my website, you can check out my facebook page