Like my title? PAD is short for Photo A Day, in case you were wondering ;) I am holding true to my daily photographs - It's been hard and I think I've been lacking in the creativity department, but this is what I've got. Here's the first set of my other photos for you to look back on as well.
These particular images, like my title says, are from Instagram - which is really the coolest thing since sliced bread. Unfortunately, if you don't have a smart phone, then I guess you don't have access to my instagram set of photos. BUT, if you do, please feel free to look me up. IMNOTCHELSEA
Day 1: Self Portrait
Day 2: Busy - This my friends, is a car battery charger :)
Day 3: Best part of your day - Me and my caffeine (coffee)
Day 4: FUN! Firework collection
Day 5: On the floor - Clinic cat Romeo :)
Thanks for glimpsing at my photo-a-day collection again ;) I'm going to do some shameless promoting again and send you to my little small business - Chelsea Photographie page :) On that note, if you've been looking here for photography updates, I'll be moving back to the Des Moines area! This means I am STILL willing to travel (albeit not that far because I'll be busy with school most the time), but the majority of my areas will be limited to Ames, Des Moines, Ankeny, WDM, Johnston, Urbandale, etc.
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