Being sick lately is helping me realize a lot of things. First of all, it's telling me that being sick sucks, and that aside from allergies, I am generally a really healthy person. So naturally, I'm kind of a baby when I'm actually sick. I think I've been stricken with a sinus infection - I won't go into anymore details because as we all know, sinus infections are disgusting.
Arnold, being a great boyfriend, is trying to make sure I heal quickly. When I wake up, he immediately tries to make sure I'm doing alright and assists me in being doped up on medication. I don't like taking pills whatsoever, nor do I really enjoy taking any kind of gross tasting medication, so for me... that part sucks. It's not that I'm against medication (obviously, I work at a vet clinic, and our main way of treatment is western medicine - aka: pills, suspensions, etc.). It's the fact that I'd rather take an alternative :) Like laying in bed and miraculously healing!
With that, I have done some thinking. Using the new year as another motivation for my well-being, I'm going to try and eliminate a lot of my bad (unhealthy) habits. Being sick has been the fire under my ass that I needed. Arnold tells me that I need to start doing things because they are good for me - not things that I only feel like doing or not doing. Luckily, I've been getting by in life with that mentality, but as I age (22 isn't old, I know, but it's never too late!), I even moreso realize that I need to start taking better care of my body.
Health Improvement Ideas
1. Daily Vitamins: I don't think this is going to kill me, unless I choke on the pill - which is a high possibility considering that's the main reason I don't like taking pills. My goal is to find the best vitamin for myself and continue to take it!
2. Drink More Water: Surprisingly, I don't like the taste of water. It tastes like metal to me, and that's also disgusting. I only can stand water at room temperature or if I'm dying of thirst. I hear water is beneficial in all areas of the body, though, so I'll justify it with that :)
3. More Sleep: If you know me, you know that I really don't like to sleep. I feel like when I am sleeping, I could be doing something else more productive. When in reality, sleep is VERY productive and important. There's a possibility it will help me not feel like a zombie everyday. It's hard for me to get the recommended 8 hours of sleep because I work 10 hour days and would like to enjoy myself for a while before immediately going to bed.
4. Better Diet: Arnold and I keep on a decently healthy food regimen, but there are somethings that I could eliminate and add to make things better. Normally we don't eat a lot of snacks or sweets, but lately we've been on a sugar kick - must be the holidays? But I think we could add a lot more fruits and vegetables and things would be better. I would NEVER become a vegan, though.
That's all I can come up with on the top of my head, but I found this website that has some nice suggestions, too. And some cute animal pictures :)
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