Friday, February 24, 2012


The other day, I helped the photographer I worked with take some practice shots in order to test out some equipment. SO, I got to play model. It was fun. PS: I have my shirt on, it's just a tube top :)

Wednesday, February 22, 2012


I thought it would be somewhat appropriate to post about my upcoming life decisions because they will be affecting me A LOT. So, I have officially decided to go back to school and pursue being a veterinarian. I've also made the choice to get my bachelors in Animal Science rather than just get the rest of my pre-vet classes, which will take me probably twice as long, but I figure why not. THEN after doing that, it's time to apply for the actual Vet school. Pretty nerve-wracking. Come August, I'm going to be a student again. Goodbye Cedar Rapids, hello Ames ;) I'm kinda nerdy in the fact that I am SO EXCITED to go back.

I've kinda always wanted to pursue this, but sometimes life gets in the way and you have to put your dreams aside for some reason. Now, I get to FINALLY do it. (I'm sorry for all the capslock shocks, but I am too excited and feel that capitalizing words gets my point across better.) To be a doctor and help animals more and spend more of my time making a difference in their life is so cool to me. Plus, animals are fascinating and studying them would be great.

Isn't he cute?
I couldn't end a post without an awesome chunk pic.

Friday, February 17, 2012


As an official declaration of a new challenge to myself, I am posting this picture challenge. I'm gearing up for it now, even though me and my friend, Julie, aren't going to be starting until MARCH. Foreshadowing ahead, March has 31 days. This challenge has 30 pictures. Together, Julie and I are going to come up with a 31st on our own. Exciting, I know.

Credit goes here for the super fantastic idea.

Let me know if you are interested. It could be fun :)


I am doing another five. I have been really horrible at it the past I don't know how many Fridays, but this time I'm doing it.

Friday Five: 5 Common Things in my Living Quarters

I thought it be fitting that my five this time be about things in my home. Lately, I've been spending more time at home (when I'm not out), so I get to see a lot of these things somewhat regularly :)

1. Cats - So, they aren't really a thing, but they are always around me. I have a couple of my own and unless they're in time out, they are usually causing me to trip over them. I found this picture at some thrift shop, and I thought it would be a perfect addition to our apartment :)

2. Musical Instruments - Dating a musician has its perks. There are always musical instruments around. Granted I have a couple of my own, but the majority are his. I can't even remember all of them... cello, flute, guitar, uke, drums, piano, and probably more.

3. Art? - Between the two of us, we have so many things to put on the wall, mostly posters of Art that we stumble upon randomly (like how I found that cat sign). Currently, not all of them are even hung up. They are just hanging out waiting for us to do it.

4. Christmas Lights - I am a huge fan of christmas lights. We have normal lamps/lights like other people, but if I could have it my way, there would only be christmas lights. I'm going to be the house with lights outside ALL. YEAR. ROUND. I love them.

5. Sweets - There is (usually) always something sugar around the apartment. Arnold loves candy, and I like baked goods. Often, we mix the two if we can... like these awesome brownies with candy and chocolate and lots of other random diabetic goodies.

There you have it! Our awesome lives.. kinda.

wouldn't this be complete with a cat and a cake?

Sunday, February 12, 2012

.photograph shoot.

It's been WAY too long since I've posted something, and I just wanted to share a little thing that I've done. My friend Steph is an aspiring photographer, so she asked me to do some "modeling" for her to practice! These are some of the images she came out with. LOVE THEM. If you like her stuff, check out her facebook page here!!! Go ahead and like her too.